Currently the string search you are attempting is searching on the Subject Field within the case view. We are currently reviewing our filtering logic for case and request views and working towards a design that will offer more flexibility including searching on CS, IQ and RITM numbers. The best option at the moment would be to download to Excel for this type of filtering.
We are actively working on improved filtering for Case and Request views that include but are not limited to the below items.
- Complex filtering on “State”
- Items Submitted by a “Specific User/Me”
- Case Number Search
- Sorting
We recognize this as an opportunity to improve the usability of the support center.
Thank you for your feedback!
Currently the string search you are attempting is searching on the Subject Field within the case view. We are currently reviewing our filtering logic for case and request views and working towards a design that will offer more flexibility including searching on CS, IQ and RITM numbers. The best option at the moment would be to download to Excel for this type of filtering.