Eagle Client Portal

Client FAQ and Feedback

Enhancement request: List of User roles


I have a request from client who would like to download a list of their users in Portal for audit purpose. Please let me know if this is feasible? Screenshot of User Admin is not a good way to fulfill audit requirements. 




  • Guest
  • Sep 21 2017
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    5 Feb, 2019 06:00pm

    The Murray-Darling release was launched today, February 5, 2019.  We hope you enjoy the new features this release offers.

  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    17 Jan, 2019 01:59pm

    The upcoming release (Murray Darling) is targeted for this month.

    The release will provide a number of User Administration Enhancements

    -Download Users (All Users, Active Users, or Removed Users)...the output is formatted with Data filters and includes a second tab that defines all role permissions.

    - We can now Clone Users, and Remove users

    - Improved UX design.  

  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    27 Sep, 2017 04:39pm

    Thank you for your feedback.  We will evaluate the request and determine the feasibility.