Eagle Client Portal

Client FAQ and Feedback

Search should search ticket ids

In the Support Center > Cases I know a certain case # I want to check up on.  I immediately go to search and type in all or part of that number and nothing comes up.  For instance on the OPERS cases list I searched for "cs0117786" and got 0 results.  There should be a super simple way to jump to a ticket, either through the search or a go-to box.

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  • Nov 30 2017
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    Kyung Hwang commented
    24 Jan, 2018 08:02pm

    Thank you for your feedback.  The Client Portal was designed such that the Knowledge Search capability is accessible regardless of portal section you are using.  You will notice the search bar is labeled “Search our knowledge base”.

    However, on 11/15/17 we released an enhancement to the filtering capability within the case and request list views.  When selecting the filter icon in the top right of the tool bar, you will see the filter pop up.  The first field in the filter is labeled “Number” and will allow you to locate the Case # you are looking for.


    Does this satisfy the business requirement you are looking to achieve?