Eagle Client Portal

Client FAQ and Feedback

Would like options for limiting user access within Portal

We would like the ability to set whether or not a user can open/edit cases/requests.  This permission granularity would allow us to still give some users access to the portal without them being able to access areas we do not wish them to.

  • Peter Schubert
  • Jan 9 2018
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  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    10 Jun, 2019 04:21pm

    As part of our Mississippi release, we now allow client portal administrators to create custom roles. As part of the custom role enhancement, we reviewed approval levels. Some request types still require a Prod Level approval regardless of the environment type (Refresh and Upgrade). Migrations and File Movement now offer a Prod, Non-Prod (Dev and Test), and None Approver. Please not the custom role can restrict users from Cases or Requests. It may also allow access to certain requests but not others. Please review KB 180126141028710 for more details.

  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    11 Aug, 2018 03:16pm

    The ability to provide Read Or Write access to Case and Requests currently exists within the client portal.

    --as mentioned in the last update, we are reviewing the ability to make more granular elections for cases and requests

  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    7 Jun, 2018 09:09pm

    We are currently reviewing the ability to provide permissions at the request type level.  The administrator can choose if the user has access to all 7 request types, only 2 request types, or no request types.

  • Peter Schubert commented
    30 Apr, 2018 02:30pm

    If possible we would like the ability to be able to split permissions for cases and requests.  This way I could give someone read access to cases but full access to requests.

  • Admin
    Kyung Hwang commented
    1 Mar, 2018 01:09am

    Thanks for your feedback.  We have already starting developing roles for controlling portal access levels.

    The plan is to create 3 primary roles.


    Full Access – Allows for access to all areas of the Client Portal and allows users to Create/Edit case and request ticket types.

    Read Access -  Allows for access to all areas of the Client Portal and allows users to Read Only case and request ticket types.

    Knowledge Only – Restricts user from the Support Center section of the Client Portal.  This user role allows Knowledge Search.