Eagle Client Portal

Client FAQ and Feedback

Who has access to update/unlock user accounts and how often will passwords need to be reset?


A. Passwords expire every 60 days.  Users will be prompted to update the password when the password expires.

B. Each user has the ability to reset their password with the following steps :

    (If you attempt to login and cannot login due 

   1. Launch the Client Portal URL from a supported browser

         a. Supported browser list can be found in FAQ GSSFAQ-I-25

   2. Select "Forgot Password"

   3. Followup the steps to reset your password

          a. Enter your email address

          b. Enter the verification code send to you via email

          c. Enter the new password

          d. confirm the new password

               i. Password Rules:

                      1. Minimum of 8 characters

                      2. English uppercase (A-Z)

                      3. English lowercase (a-z)

                      4. Base 10 digits (0-9)

                      5. Non-alphabetic characters (for example !, $, #, %)

                      6. Cannot use the past 13 passwords

C. Administrators have the ability to enable and disable user for their account.


  • Kyung Hwang
  • Mar 17 2017
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